
Wellness Services

At Pure Fitness and Health, we believe in a full lifestyle approach to obtaining wellness. We are very excited to offer multiple wellness services to help improve and balance your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Red/Near-Infrared Light Therapy

As one of the biggest discoveries in health in the last half century, scientists have accumulated thousands of studies on the power of red light and near-infrared light to enhance human health for the last several decades. Among the findings in 3000+ peer reviewed scientific studies, red and near-infrared light can help with collagen production (reduces wrinkles), hair loss, cellulite, wound healing, acne, energy levels, better sleep, hormones, bone healing, inflammation, eye health, depression, anxiety and so many more conditions.

IonCleanse Footbath

The IonCleanse helps the body detox through the healing power of ions. Because of their powerful charge, ions effectively cleanse the body. The process is safe, relaxing, and non-invasive, with no harmful side effects. Unlike other footbaths, it produces both positive and negative ions with patented technology – this helps the body detox a wider variety of toxins including heavy metals, pesticides, yeast/candida and VOCs while producing a relaxation response in the body. Try an IonCleanse footbath today and you’ll be hooked!

Lifestyle Coaching

(Coming in early 2019!)

We will be providing wellness and lifestyle coaching to those who are looking to feel their best! Our approach will be holistic, encompassing every facet of life: eating real nutrient dense food, implementing proper movement/exercises, getting proper sleep, obtaining sun and light exposure, reducing toxicity, reducing stress, improving mindset, getting out in nature (without technology!), experiencing more play/joy and following your passions.

Disclaimer: As always, for any specific medical condition, please consult your medical practitioner before using any of our services. Nothing we say here should be construed as medical advice or as a claim to treat or cure any condition.